Monday, February 15, 2010

Pillow Face

Pillow Face. No, that's not a killer (even though Hedorah is right, it would make an awesome murderer name). Pillow face is a treatment that's all the rage for the over 50s in Hollywood right now. It involves injections underneath the skin of the face to plump up, rather than pull back like a face lift, the skin. Nicole Kidman has had it. And so has Madonna. Madonna's arms are frightening, as are her gnarled Palpatine-esque hands. Exhibit A:

But her face is still really beautiful. (Left: 1986. R: 2009). Her job relies on her image. If she isn't sexually desirable, or beautiful, then her records won't sell. Celebrities are products that are bought and sold based on image. Lady Gaga is not spectacular in the looks department, but she uses her assets to her advantage (ie, covering up her face with weird head pieces). Fergie is known more for her "lady lumps" than her amphibian face. And Madonna, more than any of these singers, knows how to manipulate her image. So, while plastic surgery may be obvious in her case, the results speak for themselves. She can look in the mirror at night and admire at her beauty (I'm sure she does already). Her male fans from the eighties, that still like her that is, can admire her beauty. And her looks will sell a few more albums and a few more concert tickets until her time is up.


  1. Parts I loved- how you mentioned Pillow Face as her fake serial killERRR name, the comments about Fergie's facial structure, and her "Palpatine" hands!

  2. Oh, and I think she's in front of a Harry Potter poster in the first pic- the movie she wouldn't let her daughther be in!!

  3. Wow, I hadn't noticed that. If that's what she wore on the red carpet, that's a fashion mishap for her!
