Such is the set-up to the 1981 Canadian slasher film "My Bloody Valentine", a movie that was remade (in 3-D, no less) last year. While I had heard of this film before it was remade, it wasn't until after seeing the remake that I felt compelled to track this one down. I was glad I did. While on the surface it looks like it could be just another derivative 1980's teen horror film, it has a surprising amount of originality and creativity.
One of the major things that makes this movie work for me is the setting. Valentine's Bluffs is a small town whose centerpiece is the local mine. If there was ever a location that was seemingly made for these types of movies- it would be a mine. Small, dark, maze-like, isolated, and claustrophobic, it is the last place you want to be whilst running from a killer with a pickax. Not all of the movie takes place in the dark interior of the mine, of course. It isn't until the end when a group of the kids end up in the mine, alone and, at first, oblivious to the murders that are occurring above them.
Let's talk about these murders for a minute- simply put, they're awesome. Despite the fact that our killer has nothing on him but a mining suit and a pickax, he manages to get pretty creative with the kills. Harry Warden (or is it really Harry Warden?) is adept at using his environment to maximum impact. Showers, washing machines, and boiling pots of water are all used for devious purposes. The special effects highlight Harry's bloody deeds excellently. I know this movie is over twenty years old, but the effects are still pretty impressive. One scene of note involves a man whose eye gets poked out with the pickax-the result on screen is gruesome and effective.
Harry himself makes for an entertaining character. He is covered from head to toe in miner's garb, with his face hidden behind a gas mask. His ominous, Darth Vader-style breathing provides an interesting audio accompaniment to his violent deeds. There's also the mystery as to whether or not it is actually Harry Warden himself behind the mask. I won't spoil anything, but observant viewers shouldn't find the ending too terribly shocking.
My Bloody Valentine is, in my opinion, a top-notch slice of entertainment for those who enjoy slasher films from this era. Just one parting note- for those who are interested in this movie, make sure you watch the extended cut, and steer clear of the theatrical version. My Bloody Valentine was heavily cut for theaters and, as a result, the theatrical version of the film is virtually bloodless, and slightly choppy. The extended version, which is available on the DVD, features none of these problems. True, the added footage is a bit grainy, but it won't take anything from your enjoyment of the film.
From the moment I saw the picture of women being attacked I knew this was going to be awesome! It seems like I should see the original. The remake was pretty good actually, but as you said, more a teen horro movie than a slasher. I love the midget motel owner being spiked to the ceiling.
ReplyDelete"ominous, Darth Vader-style breathing" never fails!!!!
Censorship is stupid. Why cut out the best part: the gore galore!!! Thank heavens for uncut DVD, lest we would be deprived of it.
One final thought... slasheRRRR
Yeah, the remake gets a lot of hate online, but I thought it was fun. The midget in the ceiling- yes!
ReplyDeleteI agree about cutting out the gore galore!! On the DVD the director said that the reason My Bloody was cut so badly had to do with a backlash against film violence after John Lennon's assassination. Interesting tidbit of info, I think.
"Pillow face" herself is a slashERRRR villian (secretly).