Oprah announced recently that her show is ending in September 2011. Her show has been a staple of American culture for 25 years. Its end is both fitting and tragic. Through the years Oprah has entertained us all with celebrity guests, sensational real life stories, and life improvement episodes. She has led us to “live our best life.”
Who can forget all the moments, so numerous they are they cannot all be named. Tom Cruise jumping on the couch. A hundred year old who just learned to read. Oprah’s birthday celebrations. Gayle and Oprah’s road trip.
Every episode, every moment, every laugh, every tear has marked an important part in the lives of many people.
As Oprah said in her tearful heartfelt announcement, we have grown up with her. We have let Oprah into our homes for an hour everyday, but she changed our lives forever.
Thank you, Oprah. Thank you for all the memories. We love you.
The timing is right. She has been doing this for so long, that it’s just business for her. She’s changed from championing the common person to basking in her own arrogant triumph and wealth. She commands legions of housewives to consume whatever product she throws at them. Oprah, like many good things, can go on for so long that they outlast their prime. All good things come to an end.
Oprah gained weight again by eating Organic Garden of Eatin' Blue Chips, which are bland and stale tasting. Oprah humiliated an author for lying to her. Oprah won an election for Obama.
Oprah uses corporate gifts as her own for her giveaway episodes. Oprah is celebrity obsessed and has abandoned the common man.
But Oprah has a school for girls, whom are her daughters (even if she all but steals them from parents). Oprah has a best friend in Gayle, who is beyond friends, beyond family. Oprah has given away a lot of money. Oprah singlehandedly made discussing sexual abuse and weight issues acceptable.
Oprah, like all of us, is human. But her legacy and her mark on entertainment is undeniable.
Oprah! "Oprah gained weight again by eating Organic Garden of Eatin' Blue Chips, which are bland and stale tasting."- epic sentence.