Friday, March 19, 2010

Star Wars References: A Rant

Object of humor, I should not be, hmm!

Star Wars references are rife in today's media. Many movies, television shows, and even music videos, have at least a minor reference to the Star Wars saga. What we say is hands off the Saga!

I think the biggest culprit of this is Kevin Smith, the director of the Jay and Silent Bob series. Sure, it was a novelty at first to see an overweight superfan share his love of Star Wars through his own works, but now it's just irritating. I've sadly seen Live Free Die Hard, and the Boba Fett joke was just plain bad. It was flatter than a zombie run through a pasta maker. And in case it comes off that I'm hating on Kevin Smith, I liked him in Catch and Release. He could make a decent career for himself playing the secondary, or tertiary, male character in romcoms.

Movies enjoyed by the "sick little puppets" referred to in the movie Seven, that feature Star Wars references show how little the creators actually now about the Saga. Often times there are bad Yoda jokes to show that a character is smart, or a teacher. Even people (shocker!) who haven't seen Star Wars know who Yoda is.

And lay off the Jabba jokes. We get it, he's fat. But unlike the obese, Jabba's biology is built to be large. And while we're on this subject, stop using whale jokes. Whales are an endangered species. You wouldn't like it if your cousins were dying and people used you as a joke.

Another thing that really bothers me is the proliferation of the Slave Leia costume. When stupid movies try to stupidly show that nerdy guys have a sex drive, they have "the hot chick" wear a Slave Leia costume, or something along those lines.

On the other hand, such references illustrate the universality of this most sublime of movie series. So do we have a right to complain? In this light, no. But we'll keep's fun.


  1. That Yoda picture is so sick little puppets!!

  2. Yeah, I found a picture of him with a joint in his mouth and I was going to post it but I was like that's waaaay too sick little puppets for me, and this blog!!!
